Clarity from Chaos Podcast

CO2 Coalition Calls Out Massive Group of Propaganda Pushing Science Teachers

Dave Campbell

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Challenging the NSTA’s Position Statement on Climate Change

Clarity from Chaos guest: Mr. Gregory Wrightstone. Greg is a geologist and the Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition in Arlington Virginia. He is bestselling author of Inconvenient Facts: The Science that Al Gore doesn't want you to know.

The CO2 Coalition has reviewed the National Science Teaching Association’s Position Statement on Climate Change and has found that it has serious problems, which we address in this assessment. Our objections to this document are many but can be separated into two major categories. Our detailed rebuttal, Challenging NSTA Position Statement on Climate Change, was published March 23, 2023.

• Reliance on “consensus” science and a rejection of critical thinking skills and the scientific method.
• NSTA’s embrace of the hypothesis of “harmful man-made warming” despite its basis in flawed science and government opinions and its rejection of all contradictory science.

A primary role for the NSTA should be to develop critical thinking skills for students and to instill in them knowledge and use of the scientific method. Students should be encouraged to review all facts on a subject (in this case climate change) and make up their own minds rather than be indoctrinated into an established political agenda.

Unfortunately, the NSTA has taken a strong position that is antithetical to the scientific method, critical thinking and open scientific debate. Its position is one of censorship of any scientist or science that does not support the NSTA-approved “science.” The NSTA Position Statement on Climate Change fails to delineate between real science and political science.

Mr. Wrightstone is a geologist with more than 35 years of studying the Earth's processes. He earned a bachelor's degree from Waynesburg University and a master's from West Virginia University, both in the field of geology. He has presented the results of his research around the world, including India, Ireland and China.

Gregory’s book was the result of a quest for the truth about climate change — a subject uncritically reported by the mainstream media of an Earth lurching inexorably toward climate apocalypse. Contrary to the hyperbole of climate alarmists, Wrightstone’s review of the science provides the historical context of the Earth that shows clearly that rising temperatures and increasing carbon dioxide are benefiting both the planet and the human condition.



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Thanks for listening to Clarity from Chaos

Dave Campbell:

Welcome to another edition of Clarity from Chaos. I'm your host, Dave Campbell. On this edition of Clarity from Chaos, we're going to be discussing the ravings of another political lunatic, Al Gore, who once again, according to Ron White, you can't just fix stupid. Our guest is Mr. Gregory Wrightstone, author of the book, Inconvenient Facts, the Science that Al Gore Does Not Want You to Know. Mr. Wrightstone is a geologist with more than 35 years of studying the Earth's process. He has a BA from Waynesburg University and a Master's from West Virginia University, both in the field of geology. He has presented the results of his research around the world, including India, Ireland, and China. Greg's book is the result of a quest for truth about climate change, which just happens to be a lie. a subject uncritically reported by the mainstream media of an earth lurching towards climate Armageddon. Welcome to the show, Greg.

Gregory Wrightstone:

Oh, thank you so much. Yeah, there's a lot going on right now. It seems like it's it's increasing. The these claims when you when you listen to the mainstream media, it's every day they're just pounding on climate apocalypse. Is too much snow, not enough snow, too much rain, not enough rain. And it's all blamed on our our sins of emission, if you will. It's just too much CO2.

Dave Campbell:

Let's talk about then the latest in NSTA position statement on climate change.

Gregory Wrightstone:

Yeah, we had at the see I'm the executive director of the CO2 coalition and our membership. Many of our members were concerned about the state of science education in America. We were concerned that they were indoctrinating our students rather than teaching them critical thinking skills in the scientific process. Very proud that we we went forward and we've created number of books, comic books actually, that are manga style. Got a great Brazilian artist we've brought on staff. We've created these, we've created videos with him, and each one of these have lesson plans that we're providing. So what we're doing is teaching science without the climate alarmism, and we're providing these lesson plans to homeschool parents. charter schools, Catholic schools, we're just in the process of rolling this out. So that's the big thing we're doing. We went to the National Science Teaching Association convention two weeks ago, presenting our material, and we looked, before we got there, we realized that their position statement on climate change was just awful. They were promoting the fact that there's this consensus of scientists that believe that human emissions are driving unprecedented warming leading to catastrophe. They said that any science and facts contrary to that needed to be censored, that it was disinformation, it was political propaganda. So what they said was, if you disagree with our opinions... you need to be silenced. And so we went, we actually published the first day of the convention was the publication date of our 28 page rebuttal. And what we found with the science teachers were hugely interested in what we had to say. We were overwhelmed by positive responses from the teachers. They were standing at times three and four deep to get our materials. We ran out of our lesson plans in the first two hours. By the second day, we had run out of all of our of our comic books, our scientific based science based comic books. And right after we ran out of those, officials from the NSTA showed up. They said they demanded that we remove and take down our materials. And I told them to go pound salt. I said, we're not going to do that. We're here to promote the scientific process. and critical thinking skills. And they said, well, then you're going to have to pack up and get out. I said, so you're kicking us out. And they said, that's right. You need to pack up and get out. So, you know, what we did was we said, the National Science Teaching Association is censoring science. And then they actually came and confirmed that by censoring science. You can't make this stuff up.

Dave Campbell:

No, I guess not. I mean, you know, that's one thing that bothers me about the whole thing, Greg, is, is why what, you know, is it just a click like all of the other stuff that people

Gregory Wrightstone: Oh no no

Dave Campbell: just

Gregory Wrightstone: no.

Dave Campbell:

want to pull? You know, I can't figure out the why, Greg.

Gregory Wrightstone:

Well, no, no, no, it's not a click. It's they are just part of the movement that needs to censor anything that that rebutts this notion of man-made catastrophic warming. We need to be silenced. We need to be terminated. We need to be censored and that's what they're doing. That's why we get censored all the time by Facebook. That's why I was banned permanently from LinkedIn after posting. scientific data from National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. They're temperature data. I posted it, LinkedIn said, and the temperature data by NOAA contradicted this notion of manmade catastrophic warming. They didn't like it, even if it was from government sources. And I've been banned permanently from LinkedIn. And Many LinkedIn, you might be surprised, is maybe one of the worst of the social media sites. You think Dave Campbell: Oh,

Gregory Wrightstone: it's just...

Dave Campbell:

I'm not surprised about that at all, Greg. I've had my own run-ins with them. Um, but what I can't understand is, is the underlying behind the scenes profitability because to me, that's the only thing that can, is the reason this is being pushed the way it is much like, much like the pandemic and big pharma.

Gregory Wrightstone:

Well, there's, it's, if you look at the science, they're like the unions, the need, these teacher associations. It's the, it's the head muckety mucks at the top are pushing this agenda. They're pushing, we stay away from political issues. We try, it's hard to do in this space when you're

Dave Campbell: Right.

Gregory Wrightstone:

dealing with climate change. It's so politicized. But we try to stick with the science. And. I was very tempted to go political in this matter when we were not attacking, but exposing the NSTA for what they are. One of their most recent conferences, one of their keynote speakers was a noted proponent of critical race theory.

Dave Campbell: Oh

Gregory Wrightstone: They,

Dave Campbell: my.

Gregory Wrightstone:

yes, and it was their huge diversity, equity and inclusion. in the sciences we need to get more, you know, it's, you know, we don't have enough x, we don't have enough y, we need to get, you know, more whatever it is and get them equalized. Well, in the sciences what we find, and I encourage diversity, I encourage other people to go get into the sciences, but for the most part the sciences in the scientific, in the universities, the people that are driven to that are overwhelmingly not from minority status. And it's just the way it's, it's the people that have interest in that. But, you know, when we were there, when we talk about DEI, diversity, equity, youngish women scientists. Raffaella Nascimento was a PhD in chemistry, one of the top nanotechnology experts in the world, owns her own company in Houston, Texas. She was there. Sharon Camp, PhD in analytic chemistry, joined me. She was an AP science teacher for years. She's the author of our lesson plans. We have another, Angela Wheeler was there with a degree in study geology. So we have three scientists, all female, and they kicked them out. And I was away from, whenever they came down to our booth to tell us we had to leave, I was up away from the booth and I got a call from Raffaella. And she says, they're here, they want us to leave. I came down. So here we are at the NSTA and here are these guys, three, two guys and three security that came down and demanding us to leave. And they escorted us, with security, escorted us out of the building. And it was incredible. And it was, but it was also uplifting because what we got out of that What we saw were the teachers that were just, just the response we got from the teacher was overwhelming. The teachers were overwhelming. And that tells me a lot. That tells me that the rank and file of the teachers really want this information. We had so many people tell us that were in the public school system, I'll take your material and bring it back, but I dare not teach it in my classroom or I'll get fired. I talked to one woman that had been fired. for daring to present unapproved scientific information. And she ended up doing, she's opening, she opened a nonprofit for underprivileged children in Louisville. And so now she got, we loaded her up with our material and she just loved it. So we're trying to empower people. We're seeing just the tremendous outpouring from the public supporting us. We've done a direct mail fundraising campaign. And so we're people are responding to us in unprecedented numbers, supporting.

Dave Campbell:

That's great. Yeah, that's terrific. So let's talk a little bit about the you know, the the elephant in the room let's talk about the benefit of co2 because all you hear about is the you know, it's the the worst thing in the world, but I think

Gregory Wrightstone:

That's why the CO2 coalition was organized. Our main goal and mission is to promote the benefits of increasing

Dave Campbell: Right.

Gregory Wrightstone:

CO2. And our unofficial motto is, we love CO2 and so should you.

Dave Campbell: There you go.

Gregory Wrightstone: Now, if you look in the back of my SUV, I've got a bumper sticker that says, I heart CO2.

Dave Campbell: Hahaha.

Gregory Wrightstone:

We're, you know, at this teachers conference, we have stress balls that I love. It's a globe. You know, it's got the oceans and the land and it says, don't stress out. There is no climate crisis. And people just love it. We have another, we have koozies we give away with a picture of a polar bear on a lawn chair with sunglasses.

Dave Campbell: Hahaha

Gregory Wrightstone:

And it says, He says, chill out. There is no climate, you know, or chill out. There is no climate crisis. And we have fun doing what we're doing. I mean, we kind of laugh and make fun of them, but we're all very serious scientists and we're at the CO2 Coalition. And just for your listeners, that's, to get the information there. We've 125 of some of the top scientists in the world. We've got physicists, chemists, I'm a geologist, energy experts, economists. These are the top, the creme de la creme of the experts that are skeptical scientists. So I'm very proud to lead this fine group and we're doing great things.

Dave Campbell:

Well, let's go over some of the benefits so people understand that CO2 is not to be shied away from.

Gregory Wrightstone:

Well, there's the primary benefit of CO2 is what's called the CO2 fertilization effect. And by that, of course, with photosynthesis, there are three primary elements of photosynthesis. You've got air or you've got carbon dioxide, sunlight and water. And all of these combine to create carbohydrates and sugars of the plants, the basics of plant growth. And that's basically whatever we all rely on, the process of photosynthesis. The plants grow, we consume them, whatever you are, if you're a tiger or a monkey or whatever, you're depending on the photosynthesis process. And photosynthesis is driven by CO2, and the more CO2 we find, it turbocharges plant growth and crop growth. The other benefits are soil moisture. With increased CO2, plants don't, it's called transpiration. They're, if you will, it's breathing in and out. And as they're breathing in, they're bringing in CO2, which is then converted through photosynthesis, and then they expel oxygen. So they're using, the more CO2... the more photosynthesis and the more oxygen they expel, but also with more CO2, they don't have to do that as often. In other words, breathe in and out. And it's, this is an important thing people don't understand. As they're doing, as they're, if you will, exhaling, they're expelling not just oxygen, but also water vapor. And the, because of more CO2, they don't have to do it as often. So, They need they need less water because of more CO2. That means higher soil moisture content, which then is driving a decrease in wildfires. That's right. I said a decrease in wildfires been exhibited over the last 80 and 90 years. Significant. We're at 20 percent today of wildfires in the lower 48 of the United States. So there were there were 80 and 90 years ago. 20 percent. And so that's one of the other benefits we have. We have, there's a whole litany of these benefits or CO2, but the main thing is increased crop growth. And then the crop growth is also turbocharged by modest warming that we've seen of eight tenths of a degree since 1900. So that the warming means we have longer growing seasons. killing frost and earlier in the spring and later in the fall, so you can get more plantings in. And all of these things combine to what we're seeing with record-breaking crop growth year after year after year. And it's not just in the United States. We're talking about one of the hottest nations on Earth, India, is breaking records year after year. And there are a lot of reasons for that. And part of it is GMO. It's been demonized terribly. Virtually everything you eat has been genetically modified, either naturally or accelerated by man. But in India and the other nations, they now have drought resistant crops. That because of GMO, they're not seeing these... terrible famines that they've had in the past. India has been plagued for thousands of years with periodic droughts that just decimate the farming and agriculture and the population. And so the combination of more CO2 and these GMO drought resistant plants have helped to spare many millions of lives.

Dave Campbell:

Wow. Let's shift gears a little bit, Greg, and talk about this whole push for ESG, because I think that's somewhat behind some of the climate silliness.

Gregory Wrightstone:

Yeah, there's environmental, social and governance is

Dave Campbell: Right.

Gregory Wrightstone:

a very dangerous advancement that they're trying to push. We've been very active, not politically. Again, we try and stay out of the politics and stick to the science. We've stuck our nose into providing the science that disputes things like ESG. In the last year, we did two amicus briefs. One was in the Fifth Circuit in Louisiana with, it was called Louisiana versus Biden, where they were pushing back again what was called the social cost of carbon. We had a lengthy amicus brief there. We had another amicus brief and pushing back against the EPA. In fact, the oral arguments were just heard Friday. in that case, and we're waiting to hear what happens. And so what we do is not take a political stance, but say, here is what you're doing, and this is why it's wrong scientifically. And we have the firepower where we are with people like Dr. Richard Lindzen, who's an emeritus professor of physics from MIT, and Dr. Will Happ, who co-authors with me. on these papers. Will is an emeritus professor of physics from Princeton. These people are incredible, some of the most brilliant people I will ever meet. And so we're pushing back, we're doing what we need to do, and it's been an incredible run that we've had that we're... that the CO2 coalition is doing to fight for your freedoms, to fight for the liberties, to push back against over-regulation by EPA and all the other alphabet agencies. They wanna restrict your freedoms to buy the car you want, use the shower head you want, to use the washing machine and the stove that you wanna use. We're fighting that and it's, you know, these are all things. And if anyone out there want to look at the and we're doing a huge fundraising campaign, we're actually right now looking to do a major legal battle that's going to require a lot of money. So we're fighting for you. We're fighting for your listeners. and it's something that we're empowered to do. It's our mission. I intend to win this battle. It's a war. I intend to

Dave Campbell: Well,

Gregory Wrightstone: win the war.

Dave Campbell:

from my audience, thank you very much. Where can people find your book? Greg.

Gregory Wrightstone:

Well, most people buy it on Amazon, but

Dave Campbell: Okay.

Gregory Wrightstone:

if you know anything about Amazon, they've basically confiscatory percentages that they take for authors. So if you don't want to pay those confiscatory rates, you could go to inconvenient facts dot X, Y, Z, inconvenient facts dot X, Y, Z. And that way the The money doesn't go to Amazon, but it goes to, I was going to say me, but it actually goes to my wife.

Dave Campbell:

Ha ha 

Gregory Wrightstone:

So, so, so mama, mama needs a new pair of shoes. So go to

Dave Campbell:

There you go. Well, we've been talking to Mr. Gregory Wrightstone, author of the book, Inconvenient Facts, the Science that Al Gore does not want you to know. And it's been a real pleasure, Greg, having you on the show.

Gregory Wrightstone: Thank you so much.